Friday, January 15, 2010

My lesson on karma...Sorry Jadeyn.

I’m probably the least judgmental person I know. I truly believe deep in my heart that all people are just doing the best they can with what they have been given. When someone cuts me off I just assume that they have an emergency. If I get cut in front of in line I just figure everything happens for a reason and that person might have saved my life by making me 1 minute later…you get it. WELL…I can think of 2 times in my life when I truly judged. 1. BC (before Children) I saw a drooly baby and told a girlfriend “I WILL NEVER have a baby that drools!” My 9 year old still drools, and I was that mom that always had to wear a diaper cloth over my shoulder because everyone said “UM, he is drooling" Karma upped the anti and he spit up all the time too! One problem I didn’t have with Hunter or Faith was potty training, SO…2. I had a lot to say about a child that would ask for a pull up! “Clearly if they are asking for a pull up you know what they need, set the child on a potty and VOILA, the child will go? Then along came Jadeyn, one of the brightest three year olds (turning 4 in June) that WILL NOT go in a potty!!!!! We were both so stubborn at one point that it became a medical condition. MY CHILD WOULD NOT GO unless I put a diaper or pull up on her. She would go weeks without going (#2) and she was making herself really sick. I was forced to back away from the entire issue trying to re-train her brain AND body that it isn’t yucky or bad to go poo poo, it’s a good thing J . She still struggles and she won’t go, so we have to help her out, she actually reminds me to give her mineral oil every day. She can reasonably discuss any issue with us, school pickup, drop off, play dates, she discusses different activities for each day of the week, what she won’t talk about is going on the potty? When I try to encourage her to go on the potty she refuses, she screams, arches her back so I can’t set her on the potty and I worry that she will regress to NOT going again. I’m not a newbie, I’ve tried everything! M & M’s, prizes at the potty, reading, letting her run around naked, taking things away, telling her that when she can potty then she can have privileges, we have had the pee potty party set up and ready to go “when she did potty” (she never did) She has watched us all go, nothing has even seemed to crack the issue. I believe Karma is kicking my bootie right now. I think I will actually have the world’s first child in America that goes to school in a pull up!

Girls reading this…bite your lip! Learn from me! Don’t judge, or comment on the way anyone else is doing the best they can, because when you least expect it, Karma WILL get you, it has a strong hold on me right now. Sorry Jadeyn.....



  1. How touching. Jadeyn is very lucky to have such an understanding Mother. You are obviously a very positive person and this must be tough on you. Keep your chin up and remain positive. One day it will click and it will all be in the past. Take care, Dallas

  2. I have a 3 year old (4 in August) who refused to potty too! I've tried every trick and bribe I can think of. Somedays I just want sit down and cry or rip out my graying hair. My older daughter put on a pair of panties at 3 and never looked back. So I often wonder why I can't get my little one through the door of the bathroom without a meltdown. So heres to pull-up free days in our futures!!


  3. Awwww, this too shall pass. I had one of those too and one day, it just worked out and he never went to school in a pull-up. I just let go and quit trying and he did it on his own. I don't know what it will be that will work for you, but it will. I hate that "karma" thing. My grandmother always tried to get me to pull the hairs in her chin and I said, NO WAY. She said, I can't see them and they are driving me crazy and inside I cursed that. Now, I have hairs on my chin that I can't see and drive me crazy. Karma.

  4. Well....I don't believe in "Karma" per say... but, what I do believe is; that each child is different and in her time...your little blessing will put away her pull ups and take to the potty! In the mean time, just grab a cup of coffee, take a deep breath, and know that these memories will someday be great stories to share!

  5. oh Lisa you have me scared now!! I am a FIRM believer in karma, and oh how I have made comments about the 4 year olds with the pacifier!! I have a "banka" pacifier addict. I am determined it will be totally gone by the time she turns 2 in Sept. We only have it in bed and in the car, but now you have me shaking in my boots!!

    Congrats on the MAC....I have serious MAC envy. Can't wait to see what you all come up with in new designs!!

  6. HI this is your aunt, just checking if this will post

  7. I mean your FAVORITE AUNT LISA


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